
The Catholic Church of Corpus Christi
Margaret Road, Headington OX3 8AJ
Telephone: 01865 762433

email: corpuschristi.oxford@rcaob.org.uk




Usual Mass Times Sundays: 9am; 11am; 6.30pm

Vigil Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes, Wheatley
Saturday evening, 6pm

Weekdays Corpus Christi: 9.15am; Saturdays 10am

Click on Donate with DONA button (on left) to make an offering to the Parish.
If you pay tax, please consider Gift Aiding your donation.  Each time you make a subsequent donation using your card, Gift Aid will be collected automatically.

The Church will be open for private prayer between 6am and 6pm daily (Sunday 12noon – 6pm).

Safeguarding.  (Click for Link for to Archdiocesan Safeguarding Web page)
The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdiocesan policies & procedures at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Ruth Kennell.
Ruth can be contacted at sg.corpuschristi.oxford@rcaob.org.uk or alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240 or at safeguarding@rcaob.org.uk if you have any concern.
Click here for link to Safe Spaces Website for anyone abused by the Church.
Click here for The Isaiah Journey, a Guide for  Survivors of Abuse.

Our Lady of Lourdes, Wheatley.
Crown Road, Wheatley OX33 1UL
The Church is open daily between approximately 8am and 4pm.
The Vigil Mass (of Sunday) is celebrated on Saturday evenings at 6pm.

Appointments with Fr. Mervyn 
If you would like to see Fr. Mervyn (for Confession or any other reason), then please do not hesitate to make an appointment either by phone or email. This is equivalent to going out for a medical appointment. All appointments will take place in the Quiet Room next to the Sacristy