About the Parish

The Parish is part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham (Charity No.234216). Our Archbishop is the Most Reverend Bernard Longley and our local area Bishop is the Rt Reverend William Kenney.

The Parish Priest: Rev. Canon Mervyn Tower
The Presbytery, 88 Wharton Road, Oxford OX3 8AJ
tel: 01865 762433
email: corpus.christi.oxford@rcaob.org.uk

Gift Aid Form.  Click to download a Gift Aid Form to support the Parish

Parish Team Members:
Parish Safeguarding: Ruth Kennel
Health and Safety: John Kelly
Finance Committee: Chris Barrie
Parish Administrator: Leticia I Da Cruz Gomes
Altar Servers: Chris Barrie
Parish Hall: Leticia I Da Cruz Gomes
Lunch Club: Katya Drummond
Gift Aid: Pat Warnock
Readers at Corpus Christi: Zenobia D’Costa; Wheatley: Marc Lafferty
Music: 9.00am – , 11am Leo, 6.30pm Clare
Mosaic: Francesco Lama.

Parish Schools: St Joseph’s Primary School
St Gregory The Great Secondary School.