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Live Simply Book of Recipes and Tips

To celebrate the anniversary of our Live Simply journey as a Parish, we are producing a book of recipes and tips which will then be sold in aid of CAFOD.  Everybody is invited to send in a recipe or tip – we would like the book to reflect the rich diversity of our Parish community with recipe contributions from across the world.
So we are looking for:

  • recipes from the rich diversity of our Parish community;
  • the use of seasonal produce,
  • locally sourced;
  • ideas for the use of left-overs;
  • the use of less red meat;
  • recipes from children – for children to make. 

Pop Francis has called upon us all to live more simply, sustainably and in solidarity with those in poverty.  This is one way that we can helpeach other by sharing our own ideas and recipes.

Please leave your recipe or tip in the box at the back of church or email them to



Parishioner Louise McCarthy will be undertaking a 50km trek called Trekfast The Peaks on Saturday 1 September in aid of Make-a Wish Foundation UK.  

Make-a-wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.  Whether it's starring in their own films, walking with dinosaurs, going on an amazing holiday, meeting a celebrity hero, or having a bedroom makeover; the wishes are varied, personal and life-changing. Make-a-wish goes above and beyond to grant amazing wishes to very amazing children; their One True Wish made a reality at a time when they need it most. Because a child's life shouldn't be about illness, hospitals and diagnosis – it should be about wonder, joy and hope.

Louise has a target of £200 for fundraising for this charity and would really appreciate any help parishioners can givce to reach this target.  If you are able to make a donation, please do so at the Justgiving page by clicking here.

Do things for God NOW

HOMILY for 1st Sunday of Lent B

Sunday 22nd February 2015

As we are now in the world of instant messaging, you will not be surprised that the word that caught my eye from the Ash Wednesday readings was that one word “NOW”  (Joel 2:12-17) We heard it again in the 2nd reading too, “Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”  (2 Cor 6:1-2)   It reminded me of how important it is to use the text message or the email whenever we can to send support and prayer to those who need it. It is so easy to say to oneself that I will get in touch tomorrow instead of doing it today. Or to say to oneself that I will pray for so and so next time I say my prayers, rather than actually to start praying for them straightway. This approach to prayer is so important. For our prayer must not just be time set aside for our prayers, but something we do as we live – on the bus or the train, in the kitchen or the office. Wherever we are we can and should pray. We should use the moment something or someone comes to mind and not leave it till later.

Making resolutions about something we might do later is rarely a good idea. It reminds me of New Years Resolutions, and Lenten Resolutions are much the same. As a regular swimmer I look at those people who arrive in the Pool every January clearly filled with the Resolution they have made to swim every morning. Every year it is the same. By the end of January most of them have disappeared, as we regulars knew they would, and of course we sigh and think ourselves so superior!! 

So I would advise you against making lots of plans for Lent about giving up this and that, or taking some things on. It is always a mistake to set ourselves on the course for failure rather than choosing one thing that we can do now whatever that may be. So remember to send that text message or email straightaway and let someone know now that you are praying for them. Never say “I will pray for you”. Always say “I am praying for you now”.

It is the same message that we get from Jesus when he tells us not to worry about tomorrow’s troubles, but just to get on with what we have to face today. (Matt 6:30-34) Living for today, living for now is such an important thing to do. Indeed it is at the heart of what the word “Repent” means. Repentance does not mean building up in ourselves a list of things we feel sorry about. It means turning to God now. For if we spend time creating a list of things that we should feel sorry about we are in danger of being obsessed with ourselves rather than recognising our need for God. That is what St Paul is talking about when he says “Now is the day of salvation”. He has just said “Be reconciled with God” and then he makes it clear. Do it now.

This is what receiving the ashes on our heads on Ash Wednesday is all about. We are told to remember that we are but dust and ashes. The priest says “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return” and we are reminded that we may die tomorrow so we had better get in with doing things now rather than leaving them till it is too late. So away with lots of Resolutions for Lent. Let us rather decide to do live every day for God, and discover each day what we might do now to serve him.