
Live Simply Book of Recipes and Tips

To celebrate the anniversary of our Live Simply journey as a Parish, we are producing a book of recipes and tips which will then be sold in aid of CAFOD.  Everybody is invited to send in a recipe or tip – we would like the book to reflect the rich diversity of our Parish community with recipe contributions from across the world.
So we are looking for:

  • recipes from the rich diversity of our Parish community;
  • the use of seasonal produce,
  • locally sourced;
  • ideas for the use of left-overs;
  • the use of less red meat;
  • recipes from children – for children to make.

Pop Francis has called upon us all to live more simply, sustainably and in solidarity with those in poverty.  This is one way that we can helpeach other by sharing our own ideas and recipes.

Please leave your recipe or tip in the box at the back of church or email them to