
Parish Celebrates Mass of Creation

As part of its Live Simply Campaign, this weekend the Parish gave thanks for Creation at all of the Sunday Masses.  Pope Francis has challenged us all in Laudato Si to take part in a conversation … “the environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all.”

In his sermon, Fr Mervyn drew attention to the Christian message that creation is a gift from God, drawing on St Paul’s letter to the Colossians.  Our responsibility is to respond to that gift and when we see the world in need, we must respond, just as the Good Samaritan responded to a stranger in need.  The book of Deuteronomy defines the law of God as being in our own mouths and hearts – not a distant word from afar.  Elsewhere in Deuteronomy we are reminded of the need to care for creation and the need to look after every person, the world having been created for all to share  –  there is enough for everyone, especially our future generations.

At each Mass, congregations recited the Live Simply Prayer, reminding themselves of  the call to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity.  At the offertory, gifts of bread and wine were accompanied by a giant globe, reminding us of the gift and the needs of the planet, and a plant, reminding us of the gift of living creation.

The Live Simply group had produced a card given to each parishioner as they left the Church, suggesting ways in which we might all be be able to take individual responsibility for the planet by reducing our carbon footprint, based upon the 5 Rs – Rethink, refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.