CAFOD Update August 2019
Thank you for your generous continuing support of CAFOD. Our next Harvest Family Fast Day is Friday 4 October, the Feast of St Francis. There will be a second collection for Family Fast Day at all weekend Masses, 5 and 6 October.
Highlights from the last few years, more information on the board and website.
- Connect2 Ethiopia Sebeya – our contribution of over £7,000 has helped to ensure that the community has a modern irrigation system providing water all year round. “My life is completely changed,” exclaims Ma-aro.
Click here to open the Thank you from Sebeya - Share the Journey Parish Pilgrimage – last July we walked 249 miles around
Bury Knowle Park in support of migrants, asking our PM to support the UN Compacts on migration, these were signed by 164 countries, including the UK, at the end of 2018. - Lent Fast Day – we raised £1,428, Mahinur who was the focus of the appeal is now being supported by a 3 year CAFOD project.
- Cyclone Idai, the emergency collection raised £1,335.
Thank you everyone.