
Parish receives The Live Simply Award from CAFOD

Following an 18 month journey following Pope Francis’s call in Laudato ‘Si to respond to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, Fr Mervyn formally received the Live Simply Award on behalf of the Parish from CAFOD Trustee, John Guy, at Parish Masses on Sunday 9 February.  The assessment had taken place on Sunday 15 December, when assessors Maureen and Stuart Thompson from CAFOD studied the report of the Live Simply group and questioned parishioners on the impact of the Live Simply Campaign.
The award, an oval shaped piece of recycled wood and with hand engraved words, was brought up to the altar at each Mass in the Offertory procession.
Reminding the Parish of its activities, John Guy recalled the words of Pope Francis at Lampedusa when he warned of the globalisation of indifference prevalent in the world.  The Live Simply Campaign had been a call to action for the Parish, reflecting the Sunday Gospel that we should be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
The Parish had been active in many areas, starting the campaign with its Share the Journey Pilgrimage around Bury Knowle Park when parishioners collectively walked 249 miles.  The Live Simply Book of Recipes and Tips had had a major impact throughout the Parish and the wider community, with copies even being requested from New Zealand.
In living sustainably with creation, the Parish had collected Trash for Cash and, among other activities, had given up Plastic for Lent.  In working with the poor, the parish outreach had resulted in it becoming a Fairtrade Parish, and it had focussed on assisting the Oxford Winter Night Shelter and had regular collections of food for the Community Emergency  Foodbank.
The task now was to embed the activities into normal parish life so that the campaign would have a lasting impact.
Fr Mervyn, receiving the award, thanked all those who had worked so hard to ensure the success of the Live Simply Project, saying,  “I am proud to receive this award on behalf of all the Parishioners of Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Lourdes.”
Celebrations followed with tea and coffee after each Mass and at Wheatley Parishioners tucked into wine and a delicious cake prepared by Maggie Guy.