The Pastoral Life of the Parish

The Pastoral Life of the Parish 

The Pastoral activity of the Parish comprises the on-going aim of gathering together parishioners and of outreach to others, especially those in need.

Parish Pastoral Council
This is composed of parishioners, the Parish Priest and Sr. Marie Anne. For more information, click here to go to the Parish Pastoral Council web page.

Parish Finance Committee
This is composed of the Parish Treasurer, parishioners and the Parish Priest. It meets once every Quarter to examine the quarterly returns and any other financial issues. The Parish Treasurer is Chris Barrie. The Gift Aid coordinator is Pat Warnock. 

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
The Parish aims to be a safe haven for all. The safeguarding representative/coordinator of the Parish is Ruth Kennell – for further information visit the Home Page and scroll down to Safeguarding.

Health and Safety
The Parish takes very seriously all issues concerned with Health and Safety. The coordinator is vacant. 

Altar Servers
There is a thriving group of Altar Servers. If any boy or girl (post-First Holy Communion) wishes to be an altar server would he/she please contact the Parish Office. 

Thursday Lunch Club
This is run on the first and third Thursdays of the month for Senior Citizens in conjunction with Holy Trinity C of E Church. The coordinator is Katya Hammond. The Food Standard Agency rating is the highest – 5.  

Mosaic Group
This group meets for discussion, prayer and other activities in each other’s homes. They also meet most Sunday evenings in the Hall after the 6.30pm Mass. The coordinator is Francesco. 

Justice and Peace Group 
There is an active Justice and Peace group in the Parish which helps with the local Food Bank and other wider projects. For further information click here.  It also includes a
n active CAFOD group, committed to embedding the CAFOD strategy of Our Common Home within the Parish.  We are proud to be both a Fairtrade and a Live Simply Parish, committed to living more simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with those in poverty, in response to Pope Francis’s Encyclical, Laudato Si’.  Click here for an example of activities in Parish News.

Churches Together in Headington and Wheatley Area Churches
Corpus Christi and Our Lady of Lourdes are in the respective ecumenical groups and we are involved in ecumenical activities. 

Youth Activities
These happen on an ad hoc basis with the help of the local Diocesan Youth Office.

International Events
Several times a year the Parish celebrates as an international family. This includes an International Mass week-end with lunch after the 11.00 am Sunday Mass.