The Teaching life of the Parish 

The Teaching life of the Parish 

The Parish is central in teaching the faith at all levels

Preparation for the Sacraments

For children 

First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion (Year 3 at school)
This takes place at St. Joseph’s Catholic School plus some extra classes with Sr. Mary Anne at the Priory. Those children who are not at the Catholic school are prepared by Sr. Marie Ann. First Reconciliation takes place each year at the beginning of Lent and First Holy Communion is celebrated in June. Registration takes place in the Autumn. Parents are asked to come along to a few short sessions held after the 9.00 am Sunday Mass.

Confirmation (Year 6 at school)
The children at Catholic school are prepared in school. There are extra classes with Sr. Marie Ann at the Priory. Those children not at Catholic school are prepared by Sr. Marie Ann and this includes a Retreat Day towards the end of the programme. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated every year normally after Easter. Registration takes place in the Autumn. Parents are asked to come along to a few short sessions held after the 9.00 am Sunday Mass.

For Adults

Sacraments of Initiation
Preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation takes place through Journey in Faith sessions in the Autumn and with individual sessions with the Parish Priest. Adults normally receive the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.

Couples wishing to marry at Corpus Christi or Our Lady of Lourdes or resident in the parish but to be married elsewhere are asked to see the Parish Priest normally six months before the Marriage. They are also required to do a full day marriage preparation course run by Oxford Catholic Marriage Care.